Right to Read: Letters to Ontario political parties — Dyslexia Canada
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Right to Read: Letters to Ontario political parties

Earlier this year, the Ontario Human Rights Commission released its Right to Read report on human rights issues affecting students with reading disabilities, including dyslexia.

The Right to Read inquiry concluded that learning to read is a basic, essential human right and called for changes to Ontario’s approach to early reading instruction. The OHRC called on all partners in Ontario’s education system to meet their responsibilities and legal duties under the Ontario Human Rights Code to remove barriers that limit students’ opportunities to learn and succeed.

Collectively, Dyslexia Canada, The International Dyslexia Association Ontario and Decoding Dyslexia Ontario prepared and sent a letter to each of the Ontario political parties currently represented in the Legislative Assembly as well as additional background information on dyslexia and the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s (OHRC) recommendations. We asked for their positions on selected recommendations made in the OHRC Right to Read Report.

All responses will be shared on our respective websites for the general public as well as interested members, parents, and supporters of the dyslexia community.

Letters to political parties

Responses from political parties

Help support and leverage the work that has been done in Ontario by asking your MP, MPP or MLA to create an actionable strategy that aligns with the science of reading to ensure that every child learns to read.