Support Every Child’s Right to Read: Write to your MP, MPP or MLA — Dyslexia Canada
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Support Every Child’s Right to Read: Write to your MP, MPP or MLA

On February 28, 2022, The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) released it’s Right to Read report on human rights issues affecting students with reading disabilities, including dyslexia.

The OHRC launched its Right to Read public inquiry in October 2019, concerned that Ontario’s public education system was failing to meet the needs of students with reading disabilities. One of the inquiry’s goals was to find out if these students had meaningful access to education as required by the Ontario Human Rights Code.

The Right to Read inquiry has concluded that learning to read is a basic, essential human right and is calling for changes to Ontario’s approach to early reading instruction. The OHRC calls on all partners in Ontario’s education system to meet their responsibilities and legal duties under the Ontario Human Rights Code to remove barriers that limit students’ opportunities to learn and succeed. The recommendations presented in the OHRC report are essential for those with dyslexia but will benefit ALL students to learn to read.

Access the report and executive summary here. View the video below for a snapshot of the findings and recommendations.

The comprehensive Right to Read report includes detailed findings and recommendations for the Ministry of Education, school boards and faculties of education on curriculum and instruction, early screening, reading interventions, accommodation, professional assessments and systemic issues.

Although the personal stories, data and documentation are Ontario-specific, the findings and recommendations are applicable to all provinces and territories across Canada. Learning to read should be a right for all children in Canada and should not be dependent on the province or territory in which you live. Every child in Canada should have the same right to learn to read as laid out in the OHRC report.

Help support and leverage the work that has been done in Ontario by asking your MP, MPP or MLA to create an actionable strategy that aligns with the science of reading to ensure that every child learns to read. Have your voice heard - inform your MP, MPP or MLA about the report and why it is important by following the instructions below.

How to write to your MP, MPP or MLA

1. Download our template letter to write to your MP, MPP or MLA - Update the letter with your information and make edits as you see fit.

2. Find your MP, MPP or MLAs name and contact information using the links below.


British Columbia




New Brunswick

Nova Scotia

Prince Edward Island

Newfoundland and Labrador


Northwest Territories



Federal MP

3. Copy and paste your letter into an email to your MP, MPP or MLA or send it as an email attachment. Remember to copy us in on your email at so we can keep track of which MP, MPP or MLA have been contacted. You can also mail a physical letter but remember to keep a copy.

What’s next?

  • Let us know if you get a response from or a meeting with your MP, MPP or MLA by emailing If your MP, MPP or MLA agrees to meet with you, we can help to find someone to join you from one of the local, provincial or national advocacy groups. We can also provide you with resources to take to the meeting or assistance with forming a response.

  • If you live in Ontario, be sure to sign this petition.

  • Share your opinions and advocacy efforts on social media with the hashtag #RightToRead.

  • Encourage family members and friends to write to their MP, MPP or MLA. Share our letter template and this blog post.

Thank you for supporting Dyslexia Canada and Right to Read.

The OHRC live-streamed the release of the report and you can watch it here: